Bedbugs are small blood-sucking insects that live in cracks and crevices. They crawl out at night and bite humans in order to feed on blood. They are attracted to carbon dioxide and body heat and feed approximately once per week.
Adult bedbugs look similar to apple seeds with legs. They are oval-shaped, flat and up to 5mm long. Their colour varies between dark yellow, red or brown Hatchlings are around the size of a poppy seed.
When inspecting for bed bugs look for blood spots on your sheets, bites on your skin, tiny black spots on your mattress and around cracks and crevices.
Bed bugs, eggs and mottled bedbug shells (bedbugs shed their outer layer as they grow)
Bed bugs can be seen with the naked eye. Use a bright torch and search for the insect itself, as well as, tiny white eggs, black spots and shed shells in the crevices and joints of your mattress, bed frame, furniture, behind wall hangings (pictures), under carpet edges, in curtains, cushions, sofas, around electrical sockets, fire alarms, skirting boards and any other small space which can offer harbourage. This process will require your bed and normally your bed side furniture to be dismantled.